Monday, October 31, 2011

NaNoWriMo and Halloween

Today is Halloween, and you know what that means - NaNo is tomorrow! (tonight at midnight). I have a little over 12 hours left to finalize my ideas. I've been working on this sci-fi plan (a little out of my comfort zone) for about a month now and I've got all kinds of notes and books.

Tonight, we WRITE!

After our Halloween party we shall begin at midnight.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Ritual

Behind a pair of glasses his glazed eyes speak words like ‘processing’ and ‘organization.’ I am sure, at one point, he begins to repeat himself. But as I stand he speaks still, staring at the chair I leave, and the record spinning around his kidneys skips a note. “Processing,” he says. “Process-process-process-progress-process-progress-progress.” The heel of my black boot crashes into the broken record, breaking it. Fluorescent lights flicker. Something oily and primal grips my ankle and laughs and laughs and bends my back to its will, saying, “Sex and wine and candles and chants. Now! Chant!” Its fingertips have lit like waxy wicks, spinning hypnotically in cold light. In my next breath my knees are pressed into the stone of an altar, I feel the strains of ritual humming in the pit of my stomach, I breathe the stench of rusted metal and cruel laughter.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

of heat, thick like fog but hotter
sticking to the inside of wailing lungs 

You kissed
but not to give, a
selfish kiss of taking
like the stealing of
her first 

in cold hands that touch
too much
too little, scraping razor-
smooth surfaces 

You cut a little
deeper in every
righteous scream, until
she was a huddled mass
of trembling blood

is hate. No symbol suits
raw enough
at least
better than
swallowing a rock 

Did you feed
it to her knowing, or
ignorant?  She didn’t
crush her teeth, but
that rock settled in
her stomach and
poisoned her slowly
from the inside

Did you know
she loved you? She
could have mothered you
and you smothered
the rain dance before
it began

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why Not?

sometimes I find myself
Why isn’t everyone
who is thin
a model
Why if
you can use big words,
don’t you
Why if they have
pairs of lungs
don’t they pull them out
of their throats singing
and strew
them in the gutters and paint
them in the murals on big walls
does she dance african
barefoot on former stained
glass and laugh
when she bleeds, saying,
“you knew this would
happen and you still
didn’t stop me?”
but that only
makes her stomp harder
laugh louder
if I am jealous
don’t I make
love to her and see
if a little bit of her
soul can be in